Promotional Products – Importance for Business Growth And Branding

As the name suggests, promotional products promote something. These are gifted by brands and companies to existing or potential customers. This helps promote a new or existing service or product. They usually carry the logo and tagline of the company which is gifting it for people to see, although not necessarily. A promotional gift is presented keeping in mind the brand as well as the receiver. This means the items more often than not have something in common with the brand activities and is useful for the receiver. Promotional products are also called specialty advertising.

Why give Promotional Products when there are so many other advertising options?

If your brand is new or established, promotional gifts are a great way to stay in the market, now you might be thinking why so? If a brand has a good reputation and high recall, why is promoting itself even required? Well, for starters – growth is an ongoing process. Today if you don’t reach your customers they won’t know about you because other businesses already exist and new ones similar to yours are coming up. Thus, staying at the forefront is important at all times. Further, there is more than just this-

  • Brand visibility –

This is the most important reason to go for promotional products. As mentioned above promotional gifts more often than not carry the logo of the brand. Now suppose you have gifted a new product you have just launched, something that has to be used in public like a C- shaped handle, reverse umbrella. The unique design will attract attention and a small logo added to it will make people aware of the company. 

  • Brand recall-

People love receiving gifts and remember the company they received it from. Also if the product is unique, the receivers will be asked about the gift by their close ones. This will not only advertise your product through word of mouth but also be a recall session for the receiver. For instance, you got a box of chocolates as a promotional gift and present some to a few guests, the brand that gave you the gift only had to give a free product to you. But reached two or three more people.

  • Builds customer-brand relation –

Promotional gifts are chosen to keep in mind the demographic of the end receiver, thus, it’s personal. Keeping in mind the requirements of the user will showcase that the brand values the client. This builds a solid customer-brand relationship and further guarantees loyalty.  

Other than this it increases sales. When a rapport is built with a customer they are more likely to come back to you when they need the items you sell than when you don’t have a bond. 

Also, promotional gifts are not only for clients or potential clients. It’s also for employees and colleagues. You can gift a brand personalized t-shirt, bag, headphones, chocolates or as simple as a good pen-stand. This will boost their loyalty and without even trying you have brand ambassadors. When your employees use these products, someone is bound to ask them about the place they got it from.    

On top of everything, it is a cheap way to advertise yourself on a long term basis with better reach. When you advertise the traditional way, you do reach your target audience and a lot of them, but you have to spend a lot and as mentioned above you do not build a rapport. Promotional products are not used once but many times over the years. And if it’s a quality product that’s useful to the receiver, they will remember it for more than just a 15 or 20-second add break. 

If you want to know to want to extend to promotional products work you should check out Promotional Products Work (,consumers%20by%20engaging%20their%20senses.) 

Now that you know about the reasons why you should go for promotional gifts, what matters is what products and when can you give them. To press it down for easy understanding, there is no limit to what you can give and when you can give. There are some basic elements to keep in check while selecting a promotional gift-

  1. Knowing who your target audience is very important. Make a list of people you want to send promotional gifts to with their age and gender to make sure you don’t give them they don’t require. 
  2. Give a gift according to the occasion and what you want to establish. What your aim is while gifting these products. Do you want people to recall an old product or do you want people to know you have a new product or service? 
  3. Don’t do overboard with your budget. If you are a small company, gift anything from a phone case cover to a chocolate box, don’t try to overdo it with gifting electronic accessories or high budget products. This will defeat the purpose of presenting promotional products, that is, advertising at a low cost. Go with just a personalized box of chocolates for promotional gifts if you have a low budget. 

To understand these pointers in detail read – Notes to make before advertising through promotional products.

There are various events and occasions when you can gift promotional products-

  1.     Promoting your products or services does not only aim at increasing sales but also building a bond. The same is also important for employees.

There is not one but multiple upsides to gifting promotional products to employees. What are those? Read at – Various upsides to give promotional products to employees and what does it include.

  1.     Conferences are events where not only your immediate employees are present but also vendors, clients, and maybe representatives of different companies and businesses. 

If you plan to gift promotional products at your conference check out Conference promotional gift ideas.

  1. Charity events also include many people you can connect with to build your company through promotional gifts. You can gift the chief guest or honor those who have donated. 
  2. Sports events like marathons are great for gifting promotional products. Give the participants shoes, pants, headband, or any wearable which will be showcased while they take part in the competition. Investing in sports events also puts it out there that you stand for good health and well- being. 
  3. You need to keep in touch with your long term customers and it’s not difficult to do so as you will fairly know about their requirements. Keeping in mind how often they buy a particular product or service from you, you can send them that same product or offer free service. Also, you can send out the same during holidays or on anniversaries and birthdays. 

Building customer relations go a long way in business growth. How? Read Promotional gifts for customers and potential customers to build a brand identity for more information.

  1. Exhibitions attract people from different walks of life. Promoting your business successfully will attract several people, leading to good profits.
  2. Promotional gifts for doctors have to select carefully. There are many items in the market which can be presented to doctors but you will have to really think hard to be able to gift something unique.

 We have enlisted some gift items that you can consider in Unique promotional products for doctors and what to keep in mind while selecting one.

 Promotional products have a high return value as loyalty and brand identity. They have longer shelf value if selected properly, thus, improving brand identity.